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Tag: Self-Employed

Self-Employed Resident in Brookline NH Looks for Advice

Ideally your estimated tax payments will be as close to the amount of taxes owed as possible, leaving you breaking even at the end of the year. If you wind up owing more than $1,000 to the IRS when it comes time to file your taxes, you can face a penalty for underpayment. Pay too much in estimated taxes and the government is left earning interest, money that could have been in your pocket throughout the year. With a business that has fluctuating sales and income, you will likely need to adjust your quarterly payments based on income and expenses.

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How to Track Your Tax Refund

Nashua Resident Anxiously Waits

The IRS now has a refund tracking tool that allows you to check the status of your tax refund online. To check this, you will need your social security number, filing status, and the exact amount of the refund as outlined on your tax return. You can then check your status at the IRS’ website IRS Where’s My Refund. There are three options that will appear when searching for your refund; return received, refund approved, and refund sent. The first indicates that your tax return is still being processed. If the status is refund approved, this will show a date that the refund will be issued by. Refund sent indicates that the money is on its way. Direct deposit can take as many as five days to appear in your account, while a check mailed may take several weeks.

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Pepperell, NH Resident Looks to Get Organized

Keeping your tax documents and records organized can go a long way to making things easier when it
comes time to file your taxes. While the bulk of your tax forms and documents will arrive during January
of the following year, there are likely many receipts and other supporting documents that accumulate
throughout the year. Having a consistent routine for managing this paperwork, whether keeping
physical copies or electronic files, is key to ensuring that you have all of the necessary paperwork when
it comes time to file your taxes.

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Brookline, NH Resident Looks for Answers

For those who are self-employed, health insurance premiums paid throughout the year can be deducted on their taxes.  Even if you do not item deductions on Schedule A, these health insurance premiums can still be deducted on your tax return.  For W-2 employees you can deduct out-of-pocket medical expenses and health insurance premiums only if you take the itemized deduction on your tax return.  Employees looking to take this deduction can only do so if these premiums and other medical expenses when the amount exceeds 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income.

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Amherst, NH Family-Owned Business Looks to Hire Teenaged Family Members

Family-owned businesses have many tax advantages when employing family members.  Money paid to family members reduces the net income of the business, thereby reducing the overall tax burden.  In addition, insurance costs and other benefits offered to the employed family members can also be deducted from the business’ profits as an expense.  When a parent is the sole proprietor and the business is not incorporated when children under the age of 18 are employed, neither the business nor the employed minor are required to pay FICA taxes.  Having a family member on payroll, whether a minor child or spouse, can significantly reduce the amount of taxes owed at the end of the year.

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How is the Home Office Deduction Calculated?

Self-Employed Brookline, NH Resident Has Questions

When claiming the home office deduction on your taxes you can use the simple or regular method for calculating your deduction.  To determine which is the best calculation, you will want to determine which of the two will offer you the larger deduction.  With the simplified method, you would complete a Simplified Method Worksheet, supplied by the IRS.  This will require you to indicate the square footage of your business space in the home among other factors to determine the deduction amount.  The regular deduction method uses Form 8829 and factors in mortgage interest, real estate taxes, insurance, and utilities to determine the deduction amount.

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What to Do If You are Missing Tax Paperwork

Amherst, NH Resident Worries

While employers and institutions have a deadline for sending out tax paperwork, there are plenty of reasons it may fail to get into your hands.  Whether lost in the mail, misplaced or some other event, the best step is to contact the issuer of the document.  They may be able to send a duplicate copy right away.  If you are still not having any luck getting the missing document, you can call the IRS.  Providing information to the IRS about the document in question will make sure that you are covered when you go to file your taxes.

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Goffstown, NH Resident Has Questions

Not filing your taxes on time could result in a failure-to-file penalty.  This penalty is 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month that the tax return is late, up to five months.  Continuing to ignore your taxes could result in the IRS taking action in the form of a federal tax lien on your property, seizing your property and even filing charges for tax evasion.

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Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible?

Self-Employed Milford, NH Resident Has Questions

Self-employed individuals are able to deduct all premiums paid for health insurance.  This deduction is not available if the individual is eligible to participate in an employer’s health care plan but chooses to decline.  If you qualify for coverage under a spouse’s healthcare plan but decline this also, the tax deduction is ineligible.  Keep in mind that self-employed individuals are not able to deduct more than their generated income in a single calendar year.

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How Will Working from Home Affect My Taxes?

Windham, NH Resident Seeks Advice

Employees working from home are no longer able to deduct business expenses, as this deduction was eliminated in 2018.  Only self-employed individuals can qualify for home office deductions.  Self-employed workers can claim either $5 per square foot of home office space up to 300 square feet, or a percentage of the home and costs to maintain it as a deduction.

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