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Tag: covid-19

How is the Home Office Deduction Calculated?

Self-Employed Brookline, NH Resident Has Questions

When claiming the home office deduction on your taxes you can use the simple or regular method for calculating your deduction.  To determine which is the best calculation, you will want to determine which of the two will offer you the larger deduction.  With the simplified method, you would complete a Simplified Method Worksheet, supplied by the IRS.  This will require you to indicate the square footage of your business space in the home among other factors to determine the deduction amount.  The regular deduction method uses Form 8829 and factors in mortgage interest, real estate taxes, insurance, and utilities to determine the deduction amount.

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Are COVID-19 Tests and PPE Tax Deductible?

Nashua, NH Resident Looks for Tax Savings

The IRS has stated that COVID-19 home testing kits can be considered a medical expense under the tax code.  Personal protective equipment (PPE) that is used primarily for preventing the spread of COVID-19 also falls under this tax code.  This includes masks, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.  However, to be eligible for deducting these items on your taxes the total for all medical and dental expenses must exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.

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What to Do If You are Missing Tax Paperwork

Amherst, NH Resident Worries

While employers and institutions have a deadline for sending out tax paperwork, there are plenty of reasons it may fail to get into your hands.  Whether lost in the mail, misplaced or some other event, the best step is to contact the issuer of the document.  They may be able to send a duplicate copy right away.  If you are still not having any luck getting the missing document, you can call the IRS.  Providing information to the IRS about the document in question will make sure that you are covered when you go to file your taxes.

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Goffstown, NH Resident Has Questions

Not filing your taxes on time could result in a failure-to-file penalty.  This penalty is 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month that the tax return is late, up to five months.  Continuing to ignore your taxes could result in the IRS taking action in the form of a federal tax lien on your property, seizing your property and even filing charges for tax evasion.

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How Will the Stimulus Package Affect Your Taxes

Bedford, NH Resident Has Concerns

The government’s recent stimulus package was distributed to millions of Americans.  The stimulus money is not considered income by the IRS and will not be taxed.  While the money itself is not taxed, this will count toward your household’s adjusted gross income for 2020.  For some, this additional income may be enough to put you into a higher tax bracket. 

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How Will Working from Home Affect My Taxes?

Windham, NH Resident Seeks Advice

Employees working from home are no longer able to deduct business expenses, as this deduction was eliminated in 2018.  Only self-employed individuals can qualify for home office deductions.  Self-employed workers can claim either $5 per square foot of home office space up to 300 square feet, or a percentage of the home and costs to maintain it as a deduction.

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What Are the CARES Tax Breaks for Businesses?

Amherst, NH Business Owner Seeks Advice

There are several tax breaks for businesses under the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act.  Charitable contributions are adjusted from a maximum 10% of the company’s taxable income, to 25% of cash donations.  Payment on the employer share of Social Security tax on payroll can be deferred until the end of the year and a tax credit is available of up to $5,000 per employee.  The cap on a business loss has also been suspended.

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